Sunday, August 4, 2013

Drinking with my goddaughter

Calm down, she's 29.  I am not corrupting a minor or a naive young girl who's just moved to the big city. Kate is quite capable of drinking on her own if she pleases!

What made this one fun is that we tried one of the cool new places in her part of town, one of the latest up and coming 'hoods of Toronto. 

In other words, a place that takes its cocktails seriously. Oh what a treat! We each had 3 different drinks. She started off with the daily offering -- dark rum and a lot of other stuff -- ice cold, sweet but not too,  quite delish. I think that was the best of the evening. I had an Old Fashioned with a spicy bourbon. I'm trying to 'mature' my palate and this fit the bill perfectly. A grown up drink, smoky, but with enough fruity notes from the muddled orange peel, that I wasn't totally out of my comfort zone.

Then I tried the other daily drink, a sweet, summery, fruity concoction. The total opposite of my first drink. Heaven knows what Katie had (a sign that I should have stopped there?) Our last round was a "surprise me" round. Mine was a Bloody Caesar inspiration with bacon infused bourbon. I can only describe it as 'meaty,' which sounds weird, but it was quite tasty.  Kate had a sour, which was okay, but not the highlight of the evening.

A very successful cocktail evening if I say so myself. In a few weeks, we're going to a ladies' only scotch tasting. I can't wait!

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