Sunday, August 11, 2013

Craft Beer Festival

I could not have hoped for a better weekend to sample craft beer. Sunny, warm but not hot, with a light was perfect. 

The Craft Beer Fest is an annual event, but this was my first time. They're competing for attention with the Taste of the Danforth, that behemoth of street festivals, but they seemed to have a good turnout.

The fest is in Roundhouse Park, minutes away from the Rogers Centre. We got there around 1 p.m., and good thing too. By 2:30, the line ups were getting quite long, but by then, we were on our way out.

 We bought our sampling glass ($15 for a sample size) and sample tokens ($1 each, sold in pack of 5 or 10), and headed for the food trucks.   My friend Deb got a Wild mushroom 'za I got a chicken Schnitzel sandwich, and off to the beer stands we went.  

First stop was Flying Monkeys, where we discovered their orange creamsicle beer. Imagine a beer Mimosa; surprising, really tasty and refreshing, but missing the bitter tang that I expect in a beer. (Yes, I'm an ale fan.)

A few more tastings of great IPAs and amber ales at Lake of Bays and Left Field breweries, and we were ready for a break -- the beer and sun combo always knocks me out and there were only a very few places to sit, all in the sun. Too bad, I would happily sampled more, but I needed some shade. 

The Fest continues until 7 p.m tonight.

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